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Topic review


Re: Possible rootcause of SFTP return error message "Script: No file matching '*.*' :

Once again, it's not an error. It's just a statement of the fact that there are no files in the folder. I'm sorry, but I really do not know what you are asking about. Did you expect some files to actually exist in the /TerminateEmployee folder?

Re: Possible rootcause of SFTP return error message "Script: No file matching '*.*' :


Re: Possible rootcause of SFTP return error message "Script: No file matching '*.*' :

Sorry, I do not understand. Please try again to explain your problem.

Re: Possible rootcause of SFTP return error message "Script: No file matching '*.*' :

Yes , it was real problem . just to change directory path from the real directory path to xxxxx
due to i donot want display all full text

Re: Possible rootcause of SFTP return error message "Script: No file matching '*.*' :

Neither of the two messages is an error.
Do you have any real problem?

Possible rootcause of SFTP return error message "Script: No file matching '*.*' :

Have anyone know what (possible rootcause) caused the error
Script: No file matching '*.*' found.
Status code: 1
Script: Exit code: 0

Below are more details

1) Version of WinSCP you are using
• Version 5.17.10 (Buid 11087)
2) Version of Microsoft Windows you are running WinSCP on
• Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (Version 6.3.9600 Build 9600)
System Type : x64-based PC
3) Transfer protocol
4) Script Format
• Batch file

Command of Batch file (See below example xxxx= example name of directory path ..... example of key name)
@echo off
"C:\Users\AdminLocal\AppData\Local\Programs\WinSCP\" ^
  /log="C:\writable\path\to\log\WinSCP.log" /ini=nul ^
  /command ^
    "open sftp://......../ -hostkey=""........="" -privatekey=""......ppk""" ^
    "lcd ""D:\xxx\xxxxx""" ^
    "cd /xxxxxxx" ^
    "get *.*" ^
    "rm *.*" ^
    "lcd ""xxxx\xxxx""" ^
    "cd /xxxx" ^
    "get *.*" ^
    "rm *.*" ^
    "lcd ""D:\xxx\xxxxx""" ^
    "cd /xxxxx" ^
    "get *.*" ^
    "rm *.*" ^
if %WINSCP_RESULT% equ 0 (
  echo Success
) else (
  echo Error

Log Messages (Error as below example xxxxx= example name of directory path)
< 2022-11-11 03:00:03.897 Script: No file matching '*.*' found.
. 2022-11-11 03:00:03.897 Copying 0 files/directories to local directory "D:\xxxx\xxxx" - total size: 0
. 2022-11-11 03:00:03.897   PrTime: Yes; PrRO: No; Rght: rw-r--r--; PrR: No (No); FnCs: N; RIC: 0100; Resume: S (102400); CalcS: No; Mask:
. 2022-11-11 03:00:03.897   TM: B; ClAr: No; RemEOF: No; RemBOM: No; CPS: 0; NewerOnly: No; EncryptNewFiles: Yes; ExcludeHiddenFiles: No; ExcludeEmptyDirectories: No; InclM: ; ResumeL: 0
. 2022-11-11 03:00:03.897   AscM: *.*html; *.htm; *.txt; *.php; *.php3; *.cgi; *.c; *.cpp; *.h; *.pas; *.bas; *.tex; *.pl; *.js; .htaccess; *.xtml; *.css; *.cfg; *.ini; *.sh; *.xml
. 2022-11-11 03:00:03.897 Copying finished: Transferred: 0, Elapsed: 0:00:00, CPS: 0/s
> 2022-11-11 03:00:03.897 Script: rm *.*
. 2022-11-11 03:00:03.897 Listing directory "/xxxx".
> 2022-11-11 03:00:03.897 Type: SSH_FXP_OPENDIR, Size: 27, Number: 6923
< 2022-11-11 03:00:03.929 Type: SSH_FXP_STATUS, Size: 27, Number: 6660
. 2022-11-11 03:00:03.929 Discarding reserved response
< 2022-11-11 03:00:03.977 Type: SSH_FXP_HANDLE, Size: 13, Number: 6923
> 2022-11-11 03:00:03.978 Type: SSH_FXP_READDIR, Size: 13, Number: 7180
< 2022-11-11 03:00:04.038 Type: SSH_FXP_STATUS, Size: 31, Number: 7180
< 2022-11-11 03:00:04.038 Status code: 1
. 2022-11-11 03:00:04.038 Listing file "/xxxx/..".
> 2022-11-11 03:00:04.038 Type: SSH_FXP_LSTAT, Size: 34, Number: 7431
< 2022-11-11 03:00:04.081 Type: SSH_FXP_ATTRS, Size: 55, Number: 7431
. 2022-11-11 03:00:04.081 ..;D;0;2021-09-09T05:08:02.000Z;3;"user" [0];"group" [0];rwxrwxrwx;1
> 2022-11-11 03:00:04.081 Type: SSH_FXP_CLOSE, Size: 13, Number: 7684
. 2022-11-11 03:00:04.081 ..;D;0;2021-09-09T05:08:02.000Z;3;"user" [0];"group" [0];rwxrwxrwx;1