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Re: Synchronize changes to source files that are symlinks

Thanks Martin for the awesome tool and community!


Synchronize changes to source files that are symlinks

I use WinSCP as a core part of my devops for maintaining websites. There are some cases where the source directory that I want to syncronize contains has one or more symlinks to the source file, that needs syncing to the remote site.

I noticed that WinSCP will sync the file initially when it does not exist on remote site but will not update it when its changed or on subsequent synchronizations.

Is it possible to add a new feature that will allow the user to allow syncing of files that are symlinks?

To reproduce this, I created three directories src, in, out. In src, I created some_doc.txt. In in I created symlink to ..\src\some_doc.txt using mklink. Opened WinSCP and started Keep remote directories up to date. Whenever I edit the file some_doc.txt, WinSCP does not detect the changes.

The same behavior exists on WinSCP running in Wine on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.