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Re: Error Code 32

Code 32 is "sharing violation" (I believe the WinSCP session log files says that). That likely means there's another process on your local machine that locks the files. It might be antivirus or other security software.

Error Code 32

I'm using WinSCP version 5.17.5 build 10414 to transfer files to remote SFTP via an WinSCP batch file that run via Windows Task Scheduler. Lately, I starting to received message within the log file stating error code 32 when trying to delete the file after it was transmitted.

Within the batch file it look for a file in folder1 then move it to folder 2 to transmit. When this happen it locked the file from getting deleted and the file retransmit to the remote SFTP again. This is causing the file to transmitted twice. I have been using this batch script for years without any issue and can't seem to figure out why the file is getting locked from deleting. It doesn't happened often, its a hit and miss when the issue occurred.

Attached you will find error message and sample config. Any suggestion to figure out why this is happening or what I can do to prevent this from happening?
