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Re: Adding private key path to when synchronizing a two way delete

Either modify the script to construct SessionOptions with SshPrivateKeyPath property, the way I've already shown you on Stack Overflow:
Configure WinSCP PowerShell script to also include a private key

Or encode the key into the session URL:

WinSCP GUI can generate such URL for you:

Adding private key path to when synchronizing a two way delete

I would like to inquire if it is possible to add a Private Key path to the script referred to here:
Two-way synchronization with delete with SFTP/FTP server

The script that needs to run does not seem to have an area to add a path to the private key.
powershell.exe -File C:\path\SynchronizeTwoWayDelete.ps1 -sessionUrl "sftp://user:password;" -localPath "C:\local" -remotePath "/remote" -listPath "C:\cache\example.txt"

Is this possible?