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That's covered in the link I've posted above.
How would you imagine this to be working? It's impossible. You cannot encrypt anything without a key. And where would you put the key?

In general, is there a way to keep an encrypted file containing the passphrase and pass it to WinSCP?

Unknown switch 'passwordsfromfiles'

I get the following message:
C:\Users\yash_ganthe>"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" /script=D:\Personal\EXPTS\WinSCP\datatransfer.winscp 

Unknown switch 'passwordsfromfiles'.

In datatransfer.winscp I have:
open scp://ec2-user@myserver/ -hostkey="ssh-ed25519 255 dENqCIg1YzbpTjchTb4kTEknBY6uVCrXYDmyi02iP1g" -privatekey="D:\Personal\prot_key.ppk" -passwordsfromfiles -passphrase=D:\Personal\passphrase.txt

I am using version 5.21.7.

In general, is there a way to keep an encrypted file containing the passphrase and pass it to WinSCP?