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A little late to this but did you find a solution? I'm curious as a travel experience to avoid bringing laptop, if I need to do an edit or two.

What SFTP app is equivalent with WinSCP in quality and cleanness?

Hi guys,
I have been using WinSCP for years without problem but recently I need to access my website from my phone while I am away from home, on the road. I have been browsing the google play store for an SFTP client app for Android but I am actually clueless about which one should I choose.

Just today I came up with an idea of asking for some advice on this matter on the user forum of my favorite FTP client software assuming, that I am sure of that more than one person here access their websites from their phone time to time if not daily.

So, what do you guys think which app is just as good and reliable as WinSCP?

Now I know, that this question is not support related, but I haven't found a lounge room where normally folks ask all kind of non support questions, so I picked the one with the most traffic. Whatever will be the outcome might be the interest of many.