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Re: Startup issue with multi-monitor setup

Did you get my trace-files? (via email)

Re: Startup issue with multi-monitor setup

Thanks for your report.
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Startup issue with multi-monitor setup

I'm using WinSCP 6.1.2 under Windows 10. There is a strange startup issue in WinSCP.
I'm using 3 screens, 1: internal laptop screen, 2: external TFT (duplicate of 1), 3: large TV (usually off). WinSCP often starts on the 3rd screen which is mainly off. Even I NEVER used WinSCP on this TV-screen, and I always end it on main screen 1=2. This happens usually the first WinSCP-start after a restart of Windows. Later startups seem fine.
When this happens, I have to turn on the TV, wait 20sec, move the WinSCP window to main screen, and turn off TV again. (needless to say: very annoying). No other application shows this (or similar) issues.
Thanks for any help.