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Slow delete. Continuous disconnects. Server reports: too slow


since I use WinSCP and if I delete more then 700 files app disconnects and it asks for confirmation for reconnecting. Also sometimes server reports an error when reconnecting: "Try to be faster next time". I attach the log file.

My thoughts are that disconnects and reconnects should be handled silently and not request for a confirmation. I understand that there can be many reasons for a disconnect but I shouldn't have to be watching over the process.
Every 20–30 seconds app asks for a confirmation and I have to delete millions of files...

In the log file you will see in line 4105 a disconnect, but I think the problem starts in line 4101 because for some reason it tries to load parent domain folder, instead of continuing in the subfolder (.../tmp/f/uploads/), just my thought.

On line 968 there was a disconnect while reloading folder. Just a random error not related to current thread.

Right now I am not able to simulate the error message "Try to be faster next time". The other days it happens when I click on reconnect in the popup window.

Also important is that there is a countdown starting at 8, but if I move the mouse out-in / in-out the popup window that timer resets to 30. When I see that timer over the reconnect button, in my mind it means that once it reaches 0 it will reconnect by it self and resume what it was doing (deleting files). But no, when it reaches 0 the popup disappears and nothing happens, the delete process is canceled. So to avoid confusion maybe put the timer on the accept button. The timer does nothing good at the moment, but if in the future it actually resumes the operation it would be annoying to be constantly resetting when moving mouse over the popup.

Thank you.