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Re: Can't open 2 tabs and connect to same server when logging is enabled

Actually I wasn't able to reproduce the problem.
What version of WinSCP are you using? Can you post a screenshot of your WinSCP logging preferences and of your WinSCP workspace with the error message? What protocol are you using?

Re: Can't open 2 tabs and connect to same server when logging is enabled

Thanks. I'll look into it.

Note that if you want to log multiple parallel sessions, you need to make their log names unique by using some of the patterns.

Can't open 2 tabs and connect to same server when logging is enabled

If I open a second tab to connect to same server, and logging is enabled, a popup appears saying:

Error del sistema. Código: 32.
El proceso no tiene acceso al archivo porque está siendo utilizado por otro proceso

Translated to English:

System error. Code: 32.
The process does not have access to the archive, but it can be used by other processes

This popup has 2 buttons: Accept & Help
Accept closes the popup but it comes back right after, and I am stuck with the popup.
Help doesn't offer anything helpful, it says to submit message online but there are 0 search results.

So I am stuck with a popup that blocks the entire program from doing anything else.

The error makes sense, the problem is it should go away and not come back.