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Re: Case sensitive commands.....

This is not so much about WinSCP (although to some degree it is), but it is more about the local and remote file systems. Windows (local) is case insensitive. While Linux systems (remote) are case sensitive.

Case sensitive commands.....

Dear Martin,

I'm contacting you with another issue, I have come upon these days.
As you have understood – I'm using your software very intensively last 8–10 years for our everyday work.
The two most used commands by my scripts are get and put and as it looks the get command is case sensitive and put command is not case sensitive. What I mean – I have a file with a name pcp1_E.Tmp. If I write in a script: get "pcp1_E.tmp", the file will not be downloaded from the server. But if I write in a script: put "pcp1_E.tmp", the file will be uploaded to a server.
The above is tested at least 20 times and the behaviour is as described.

According to me those two commands should behave in the same manner. Both should be either case sensitive or non case sensitive.
