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Topic review


Thanks for your feedback.

2266 and 2267 fixes my issue, tested with dev-build you sent. Thank you. :)

There is no crash, no high CPU usage. The window simply stays frozen. I'm not sure how debug version will help.

In Windows there is something called "stay on top", which disables background windows while foreground window is active. In this case, the background window is never unlocked. Simply.

Re: [Bug/6.3.1/Win11] Main window "disabled" after cancelling connection

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

[Bug/6.3.1/Win11] Main window "disabled" after cancelling connection

Usually connecting to a site goes fast, but in my case the FTPS server is misconfigured. When WinSCP enters "reading remote directory" timeout, which is 30 seconds, there is plenty of time to press X – close button. Once status "cancelling" appears and connection window closes, main window can no longer be accessed, it stays "disabled" until I kill and restart application.