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  • happens with PuTTY v0.80, v0.79, v0.78
  • does not happen with PuTTY v0.70, v077

So it seems it is related to interoperability between PuTTY and WinSCP.
How should PuTTY get called by WinSCP to perform inputless autologin (what are patterns at the end of the putty/terminal client path?


PuTTY auto login does not work anymore after update to v 6.3.2


Although nothing was changed, except PuTTY was updated from its original source, after installing WinSCP v6.3.2, the PuTTY auto login does not work anymore, just getting prompt for the SSH key pwd.

What needs to be done to get auto login (no user/pwd required for the SSH session) to work again?

Thank you!