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For this particular error, "permission denied", unfortunately I didn't find any log in log file.
After some investigations I realized that I have to assign following parameters values in sessionOptions, they were not provided in the example I used:
and sessionOptions.SshPrivateKeyPath when using an ssh key file
or sessionOptions.Password when using password directly

All works now.
Thank you!
Best regards

Re: Network error: Permission denied when open a session.

Can you connect from the same machine using WinSCP GUI or any other SFTP client?
If you can, post its log file and equivalent log file from the .NET assembly.

Network error: Permission denied when open a session.

Hi all,

I'm using provided example:
Code is compiled with .NET 4.8.1, and WinSCPnet.dll version
Executed on a Windows Server 2022.

In SessionOptions I can use either password (ie: Password = "mypassword") or a private key (ie: SshPrivateKeyPath = "C:\\Temp\\mytestkey.ppk").

When try to connect and call session.Open(sessionOptions); I get this error:
Network error: Permission denied

Any idea what's the issue?

Thank you in advanced!

Best regards