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Re: Login as Root

Thanks for sharing your solution.

# /etc/rc.d/sshd restart

Problem Solved!

Login as Root

Hello, I'm trying to connect to WinSCP 6.3 as root to transfer a file from windows.

WinSCP ask me for a supplementary password when i try to connect as root.

How could I connect as root if this: How do I change user after login (e.g. su root)? don't help me.
I mean I locate the sftp-server with whereis sftp-server (/usr/libexec/sftp-server), but anything I tried succeed.

Same for editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config (PermitRootLogin yes no without-password, Use PAM yes no fuckyou, and more :) )

I'm using FreeBSD 14.1, I can connect to WinSCP with added user. But I can't add/modify file in root. I can't connect to WinSCP as root to add/modify the file I want.
