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Strange. Can you try it from 32-bit commandline?

thank you for replying.

Here's the result:
by using ctrl+shift to copy the command and running it from cmd, I get no errors, but the expected generated URL is successfully returned.

By trying again directly from winscp (without ctrl+shift), I always get the error reported above.

Re: Generate HTTP URL Extension doesn't work on Windows 11 24H2

While clicking the "Generate HTTP URL", hold down Shift and Ctrl keys. Instead of executing the extension command, WinSCP will copy it to the clipboard. Then paste the command to Windows command-line and see (and post here) what it outputs.

Generate HTTP URL Extension doesn't work on Windows 11 24H2

I ran into an issue today where using the Generate HTTP URL extension returns an error - Command failed with return code -1073740940.

After updating to the latest version (and then to the latest beta) of WinSCP didn't resolve the issue, I was curious if the recent Windows 11 feature update (24H2) had something to do with it.

I tested the same server configuration with the latest version of WinSCP installed on an old laptop with Windows 11 23H2 installed, and I can confirm that it works on that one.

I'd appreciate it if you could check what changed in Windows that affects using the extension.
