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Re: What are the best tools for automating Bash scripts across mixed environments (Linux and Windows)?

Sorry, but I do not think you are likely to get an answer to such question here.

What are the best tools for automating Bash scripts across mixed environments (Linux and Windows)?

I'm looking for recommendations on tools to automate Bash scripts in an environment with both Linux and Windows servers. I’ve explored tools like Ansible for orchestration and PDQ Deploy for Windows automation, but I’d love to hear more about:

  • Integrating tools like Ansible, Script Runner, or Attune for cross-platform scripting.
  • Using tools like PDQ Deploy for managing scripts on Windows.
  • Efficiently transferring scripts and files between systems (e.g., WinSCP, rsync).
  • Best practices for scheduling and monitoring automated tasks in such environments.

What has worked best for you in terms of reliability, scalability, and ease of use? Are there other tools or techniques I should consider?