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WinSCP script


i am using a script below to upload file to SFTP using proxy, but I am getting Time Out error. How can i fix this? Am I connecting first to proxy and doing everything correctly?

Thank you so much.

# Load Assembly .NET WinSCP (DLL in windows\system32)
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCPnet.dll"

# Set session options
$sessionOptions = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions -Property @{
# Protocol, user, password, target server, connection info
Protocol = [WinSCP.Protocol]::Sftp # Declare SFTP protocol
HostName = "hostname"
PortNumber = 22
UserName = "username"
Password = "pass"
GiveUpSecurityAndAcceptAnySshHostKey = $true
Timeout = 300000 # Set timeout to 5 minutes (300000 ms)

# Activate WinSCP SFTP session
$session = New-Object WinSCP.Session # WINSCP

# Configure proxy
$session.AddRawConfiguration("ProxyMethod", "3") # 3 = HTTP Proxy
$session.AddRawConfiguration("ProxyHost", "Srv01prox")
$session.AddRawConfiguration("ProxyPort", "80")
$session.AddRawConfiguration("ProxyLoginTimeout", "300000")

# GO
try {
# Open Connection

# File Transfer – default over-write
$transferResult = $session.PutFiles("Time_Actual_IKOS.csv", "/TCZW_IKOS_Plant_Cockpit/")

# Log result
$logMessage = "Upload result: $($transferResult.Transfers.Count) file(s) transferred.`n"
foreach ($transfer in $transferResult.Transfers) {
$logMessage += "Transferred: $($transfer.FileName)`n"
$logMessage | Tee-Object -FilePath "upload_log.txt" -Append
catch {
"Error: $_" | Tee-Object -FilePath "upload_log.txt" -Append
Write-Host "Error: $_"
finally {
Read-Host "Press Enter to exit..."