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Unable to see files in folder

I’m encountering an issue with our SFTP setup where files are supposed to be sent to a specific SFTP folder, and while everything seems to be working correctly on the sending end, the files aren’t showing up in the expected folder. I’ve confirmed that other files are being transferred and appear in the folder without any issues, so the connection and access seem fine.

I’ve also tried logging into the SFTP server using both FileZilla and WinSCP to check the folder, and both clients show the same results — the files in question aren’t visible. However, other files continue to show up in the folder as expected.

I suspect that it might be a file size limit issue, but I’ve seen others ask the same question and understand there are no size limitations for the folder itself.

Has anyone encountered something similar or have any suggestions on what might be causing the missing files? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.