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@acepc: What you SFTP server software? You should check its documentation anyway.

It doesn't taking NTFS permissions from the parent directory.

I'm having the same problem, when I upload a file to the server (Windows 2003) from my desktop (Windows XP), the file permissions are all wrong, so the other users can't execute the files, how can we copy a file via WinSCP and do not lose the NTFS permissions on the destination server?


mrt wrote:

Oh, but it does, with this software:

Sure, but that haven't seemed to be a case of the other one.

Newly uploaded files are editable only by the owner, and readable by everyone. This becomes a problem when another member of the group needs to edit the file. This may be a responsibility of the ssh server software, I don't know. Maybe umask would help this problem, but since this is a win2003 server, I don't think it applies.

Yes this is definitelly responsibility of the SSH server software. Umask may help even on win2003 as SshWindows runs over Cygwin, what is unix emulation on Windows.

@martin: Oh, but it does, with this software:

This software works well, I've got about 10 users updating a webserver with only one problem: default permissions on new files. I have the "Set Permissions" option unchecked as you suggest, but new files that are uploaded do not inherit the NTFS permissions from the directory that it's been uploaded to.

Newly uploaded files are editable only by the owner, and readable by everyone. This becomes a problem when another member of the group needs to edit the file. This may be a responsibility of the ssh server software, I don't know. Maybe umask would help this problem, but since this is a win2003 server, I don't think it applies.

I must run a scheduled script nightly which corrects permissions on these files, but that is more of a work-around than a solution.

I'd really appreciate some advice if you have any (other than switching to a unix-ish server :) ) If anyone else uses the windows ssh server software, I'd really like to now how you handle this behavior.

lloges wrote:

We are using Windows 2003 Server Enterprise SP1 and IIS6 for our web server.

I've meant, what is your SSH/SFTP server? AFAIK, Windows/IIS does not support SSH/SFTP.

We are using Windows 2003 Server Enterprise SP1 and IIS6 for our web server. As I said, the permissions in the destination folder are correct for some files that are uploaded (eg. htmls) but get changed for others. Thanks, Lois

@lloges: If you have the options unchecked, the permissions are assigned by the server. What server do you use?

The Upload Options under transfer preferences for [i]Set Permissions[/i] is not checked and [i]Ignore Permission Errors[/i] is also unchecked. I also should mention that I am transferring between Windows 2003 server systems (from development to production)

Thanks, Lois

Re: Permissions are incorrectly changed for certain file types

Do you have the transfer option "Set permissions" turned on or off?

Permissions are incorrectly changed for certain file types

Hi-I'm really new to posting on forums, but I have checked the WinSCP forums and can't find any specific solution to my problem. I am using WinSCP 3.8.2, build 330. I upgraded thinking that might help this issue, but it hasn't so far. When I upload html files or other text files, I have no problems and the uploaded files inherit the permissions from the destination folder. However, when I copy .pdf files or graphic files such as .jpg or database files such as .mdb, the permissions are changed to incorrect permissions and are not inherited from the destination folder as I thought they should. This is a real pain since users who should be able to access these files can't, until I fix the permissions. Can anyone provide some help on this?

Thanks in advance!