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Thanks for info.

I'm using the commander interface. When I drag a file from the left side pane (local) onto an unopened folder icon on the right side (remote), I do NOT get a "confirm overwrite?" message if the file already exists inside the folder. I tried using the Copy command from the File menu and typed in the path to the remote folder manually, but got the same results. The copied file overwrites the existing file in the remote folder in all cases with no confirmation (new files will overwrite old, and older files will overwrite new).

I re-installed v3.8.2 (with all default options) and the problem still exists. I tried installing v 3.8.0, and the same problem occurs. Interestingly, v3.8.0 works fine (i.e., I get the confirm overwrite message) on a different computer connected to the same remote host. The problem occurs using a new Panasonic Toughbook CF-74 running XP Pro (2002) with SP 2.

Re: no confirmation when overwriting files in unopened folder?

I'm not able to reproduce the problem :-( Where do you drag the files from? What interface are you using (commander/explorer)? Do you have the same problem, if you upload the files not by using drag&drop? E.g. by using menu and typing path to unopened folder manually?

no confirmation when overwriting files in unopened folder?

In version 3.8.0 (build 312), when I drag and drop a file onto a unopened folder icon on the remote side, I get a confirm message asking whether to overwrite if the file already exists in the folder (using Commander interface). In the latest version (3.8.2), I do NOT get a confirm message - the existing file inside the folder is automatically overwritten. In both versions, if I open the remote folder first, then I do get the confirm overwrite message. Is there a way to get ver 3.8.2 to confirm before overwriting files inside of remote folders?