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Topic review


Works fine

:D :) 8) :lol: :P :wink: :mrgreen:

Works flawless now!

Now if only there would be also old-style FTP in WinSCP, I already read + "signed" the petition for that in other thread... :wink:

Great work, WinSCP is the best piece of software I have seen so far on Windows.

Re: Real fix...

Thanks! I've applied your fix. I haven't noticed the bug so far, as I do not use buttons :-(

Real fix...

Oops, just found that you have some kind of an anti-spam code in your php that uses different textarea, so here is a more advanced fix:

Locate the places in source and add/do these changes in the script


<div id="pagebody">
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var current_message = null;
window.onload = function () {
if ((!="none")) {;
} else if ((!="none")) {;
} else if ((!="none")) {;
} else if ((!="none")) {;
} else if ((!="none")) {;

// bbCode control by
// subBlue design


function checkForm() {

formErrors = false;

if (current_message.value.length < 2) {
if ( < 2) {
formErrors = "You must enter a message when posting.";


function emoticon(text) {
var txtarea = current_message; //;


function bbfontstyle(bbopen, bbclose) {
var txtarea = current_message; //;


function bbstyle(bbnumber) {
var txtarea = current_message; //;

Forum JavaScript broken - with Fix

Inserting emoticons and bold/italic/.. does not work here in IE6 and FireFox. I checked the source and found that you have to change the name of the input-textarea:

... textarea name="zprava3" ...

... textarea name="message" ...

Then the JavaScript works again fine. Thanks for all your effort on this very good project! I contribute this fix to it.