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Topic review


OK .... finally working.

Thanks for all your help!

If you login to you accound with terminal client, are you able to read (copy) the files (locally on the server)?

I created the account as it's not possible to login as root - and I have given it the same rights.

I'm assuming this is a pretty standard use for this product - so I must be doing something fundamentally wrong.

Does any know how to get around this?


Re: Error when copying .vmdk file to local disk

It looks like you do not have a permissions to read the file. I do not know how to help you.

Error when copying .vmdk file to local disk


I'm sure this question has been answered .... but I can't find a suitable post.

I've just installed WinSCP and I am trying to copy a .vmdk file from an ESX server to a drive on my desktop. I'm logged in as an admin, not root (I don't think that is possible) and I get the following message:

When on SCP Protocol:
Received error message from remote side: 'scp: gessap165-flat.vmdk: Permission denied'

When on SFTP:
Permission denied.
Error code: 3
Error message from server: Permission denied
Request code: 3
