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Topic review


So I'm looking forward to next version for upgrade.

Thanks for Reply!

Merry Christmas!

Re: Skip Password-Request?

No. This will be solved in next version. It will automatically abort password prompt after short period of time when running in batch mode.

Skip Password-Request?

I have to enable sending and receiving Data automatically by using scripts on Therefore, I use pageant to hold a private key for authentication, and a .bat-file to call with several scripts. I've already read in this forum, that I cannot decide on which command to call next, if a command failed, within the same script, so I'm forced to use more than one for some tasks.
The .bat-file is called by another application waiting for its result.

Apart from that, my problem is to handle the interacitve passwort-request, that shows up, if either one forgot to load the private key in pageant or made a mistake by typing the remote username. As I use options "batch on", "confirm on" (don't want it to overwrite existing files), "transfer binary" and "batch abort" all other interactive promts are automatically answered.

My question is now: is it possible to abort that passwort-request (possibly with an error), too? For I try to use public key authentication, there is no password at all.

PS: Please excuse my English for I'm not a native speaker.