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Re: Custom toolbar commands for Check In / Check Out

Thinking it over, I'm not sure if I want to change it. You can avoid receiving the error by configuring the command like:
ci -u !& 2> /dev/null

Re: Custom toolbar commands for Check In / Check Out

underforge wrote:

It looks to me as though WinSCP thinks it's getting an error but the command is actually functioning properly and returning a status message.

OK, looks like. WinSCP considers it to fail as it prints a message to an error output. I can change the behaviour.

Re: Custom toolbar commands for Check In / Check Out

It looks to me as though WinSCP thinks it's getting an error but the command is actually functioning properly and returning a status message.

martin wrote:

I'm not sure if your problem is that the command fails or WinSCP reaction to the failure.

Re: Custom toolbar commands for Check In / Check Out

I'm not sure if your problem is that the command fails or WinSCP reaction to the failure.

Custom toolbar commands for Check In / Check Out

I've created 3 custom commands:

ci -u !&
co -l !&
ci !&

co -u doesn't work because it requires some input, no problem I can do this with a shell the the initial checkin.

The other two work but I get an error window because they don't return a positive code:

Command 'ci "file.xml"'
failed with return code 0 and error message
RCS/file.xml,v <-- file.xml
file is unchanges; reverting to previous revision 1.1

Anyone have experience with this? I haven't worked with RSC much yet so I could be doing this wrong. Thanks