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Topic review


Should be fixed in 4.0.1.

This happens to me...
It seems that the proggy does an APPE instead of STOR command...

Haven't even tried yet :-( But I can reproduce it.

have you found the error?
is there a patched binary or source-change available yet?
if sourcecode i can try to recompile winscp...
except this error the ftp-integration looks well :)
regards Frank

Re: FTP: error after editing a file


FTP: error after editing a file

OS: WinXP prof.
winscp V4.0b
if i edit a file on ftp-server (proftpd 1.3.0) and save it, winscp tries to upload it. but this fails with the following message:
Copying files to remote side failed.
scite.php: Append/Restart not permitted, try again
then the tranfer queue is closed without trying it again.

regards Frank