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Re: password is still not passed to putty

Michal wrote:

I had to return to old good 3.8.2. If this is already resolved, where can I download it?

Solved, but not released yet :-)

One more question: Both, v4 and 3.8.2. have the same bug - there is a difference when you push Alt+F6 and when you do it via "Files > Edit link". Is this fixed as well?

It was intended that it should do something bit different. But I see that it does not what was intended. Thanks :-)

password is still not passed to putty

I had to return to old good 3.8.2. If this is already resolved, where can I download it?

One more question: Both, v4 and 3.8.2. have the same bug - there is a difference when you push Alt+F6 and when you do it via "Files > Edit link". Is this fixed as well?



Re: When will this be fixed?

It is solved already. The fix will be part of the next release, within one or two weeks.

When will this be fixed?

When will you fix this bug?

Re: 4.0 beta - "Remember session password and pass it to PuTTY"

This is know problem. Thanks.

4.0 beta - "Remember session password and pass it to PuTTY"


Settings -> Integration -> "Remember session password and pass it to PuTTY" does not work. In 3.8.2 it did.

