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Topic review


kallep wrote:

I want almost the same thing. Can you use GET with any option, in order to only get it to MOVE files from the remote directory? In other words make a COPY and then DELETE.

You can delete the file explicitly after the download succeeds.

I want almost the same thing. Can you use GET with any option, in order to only get it to MOVE files from the remote directory? In other words make a COPY and then DELETE.

Re: Doing differential copy of files from remote location

So what do you want to use?

Doing differential copy of files from remote location


How do i do differential copy of files from remote location to my location without the SYNCRONIZE option.??

I dont want to pull all the files from the remote location to my location everyday. I would like to have only the new and modified files get copied and others should just get skipped. But i dont want to use the Syncronize option

Please suggest.

thanks :D