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Anonymous wrote:

prikryl - shouldn't making the hostfile for winscp be relativly generic? I'm just calling it a hostfile don't know if thats the proper term or not

I really do not know what's a 'hostfile' in your infrastructure neither how your jumpstation works. I even have not heard about anything like that before.

prikryl - shouldn't making the hostfile for winscp be relativly generic? I'm just calling it a hostfile don't know if thats the proper term or not

Re: WINSCP 'hostfile' ?

Sorry, I do not know your infrastructure. You should beet ask your server administrator.

WINSCP 'hostfile' ?

Hoping to get some help with connecting WINSCP to a different server. I need to tranfer file from my desktop to a remote server. When I first log into scp it connects trhough a jumpstation, it then immediately connects to a specific server. How do I change it to connect to a different server?
I see the name of the server it is connecting to as a file under the directiory on the right side of the scp program. Im assuming I need to generate a similiar file for the other sever I am trying to connect to. How do I generate that file and then select the other server?

help please
oh I use SecureCRT as my terminal emulation progam if that helps