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Re: Schedule mysqldump with WinSCP .bat file

AMK wrote:

Is there a way to schedule mysqldump with WinSCP? I've been struggling with this for months.

For scheduling read FAQ. For executing remote command see "call" command in scripting documentation. Note that you would have to probably increase session timeout.

If you wish to execute only the mysqldump (without downloading), you would have it easier with plink from PuTTY package.

Schedule mysqldump with WinSCP .bat file

Is there a way to schedule mysqldump with WinSCP? I've been struggling with this for months.

I'm not sure what this has to do with WinSCP. I think your host was telling you how to restore your database, not back it up. You probably want something along the lines of

mysqldump -ssl -F -h -u toproadliveradio -r dbdump.sql

Run "man mysqldump" or "mysqldump --help" (or Google) for more information. The -ssl is optional but highly recommended. Substitute the name of your database server for and substitute your database username in place of toproadliveradio.

mysqlhost -u user -ppassword database

correct in comman line?
not working

backing up database

i'm trying to backup my database

my host told me to use this
mysql -h servername -u USER -pPASSWORD database-name < dumpfilename.sql

i'm logged onto the server now...and i'm at the command line

i'm TOTALLY confuse
was is the specific info to put in the command line (so i could just input my info)?