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Re: New User - need help with a script

You need to store the commands for WinSCP to separate file. Please see example in documentation.

New User - need help with a script

I installed WinSCP.....Created a Session called PDCH.

I can connect to the site with the connection and "get" the file I need.

Now....I want to create a batch file to do it.

Here is what I have:

cd \
cd Program Files\WinSCP\ PDCH
get PDCH1

When I run the batch file....the command window opens....Winscp connects to the site....and stops....

The command window is open....I can type dir and see the file...I get get the file....if I type get PDCH1....

Why don't the commands on the batch file work?

Any info would be appreciated.

Thanks Shwan