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Re: moving remote directories on mountpoints

martin wrote:

OpenSSH SFTP server does not allow moving files across filesystems. Note that you use SFTP, not SCP. However it would probably neither be possible with SCP.

Thanks, that worked! I was using SFTP before, but I now tried switched my login settings to SCP, and now I can move stuff between the NFS mounts!

Re: moving remote directories on mountpoints

OpenSSH SFTP server does not allow moving files across filesystems. Note that you use SFTP, not SCP. However it would probably neither be possible with SCP.

moving remote directories on mountpoints

I'm having difficulty moving remote directories on a remote server with WinSCP versions 3.8.2 and (beta) 4. I have no problems moving directories within the home directory, however I receive:

General failure (server should provide error description).
Error code: 4
Error message from server: Failure
Request code: 18

when I try to move to a mount point '/vault' on the server. The mount point I believe is in a different physical location, and I looked at the /etc/fstab file to read:

gridstore:/vault /vault nfs rw,hard,bg,intr,nfsvers=3,tcp,rsize=32768,wsize=32768 0 0

I can move the 'moveme' directory remotely using a terminal, for example

mv /home/user/moveme /vault/user/

but not with WinSCP. I'm unfamiliar with the SCP protocol, but is what I request impossible? Is this a bug? Thanks!