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Topic review


Re: FTP using HTTP/80 proxy auth failure

The issue has been resolved already. The fix will be included into the next release.

Re: FTP using HTTP/80 proxy auth failure

Thanks for your report. I have already fixed that. The fix will be included into the next release.

FTP using HTTP/80 proxy auth failure

Hi - using winscp400 (build342) for FTP proxy-aware client and running into auth issues on HTTP/80 proxy. Ethereal traces reveal client is sending embedded username credentials and following username with : (colon) character but then leaving out the embedded password from the proxy settings page. The "test" session page has port 21 and anonymous user/pass filled in and FTP protocol selected. The associated proxy tab has proxy type HTTP radio button selected, proxy-ip addr, port number 80, username for proxy auth, and password for proxy-auth filled in. The proxy immediately responds with error message 407 proxy-auth required. However, the same settings on an SFTP session work perfectly - ethereal trace this time reveals client sends username:password in clear to proxy from embedded proxy-auth username/password credentials settings page. Basically seems the FTP portion is leaving out the proxy-auth password. Can someone help confirm these results? -phirewheel