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Re: [Configuration\CDCache]

I am not sure what is effecting what but any idea why it is growing so much? Could it explain the CPU performance issues?

Could you explain the use of that section [Configuration\CDCache]?

It is cache of visited directories. The more different directories you visit, the larger the cache is. You can clear the cache using command Commands > Clear Caches.


I upgraded from WINSCP 3.8.2 to 4.0.2 beta on two Windows 2000 servers.

I was hoping that the upgrade would take care of these CPU performance issues - 100 % CPU usage, that I am having on one of the servers when running WINSCP in the background as a batch. Both WINSCP connect to the same unix server.

I checked the configuration files (.INI) and noticed that on the server having the issues, the section [Configuration\CDCache] is huge. It actually brings the size of the file up to 10 MB when it should not exceed 20 KB.

I am not sure what is effecting what but any idea why it is growing so much? Could it explain the CPU performance issues?

Could you explain the use of that section [Configuration\CDCache]?

I appreciate your help.
