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Topic review


Re: Mask settings...

I've tried that it works correctly, at least with SFTP protocol. What protocol are you using?

Re: Mask settings...

martin wrote:

.svc should be enough. Which svn folders leak through?

It seems to be those further down the tree, in lower sub-folders. This is why I felt the "check sub-directories" would be useful.

?.svc - did you mean .svn??


Re: Mask settings...

.svc should be enough. Which svn folders leak through?

Mask settings...

I've looked at other posts, but can't figure my problem.

I'm using WinSCP832 on Vista. I want to upload SVN files, but without the .svn folders, and one or two other sub-folders. The .svn folders are at all levels of the main folder.

I use .svn;CVS;modules;pgvnuke;hooks;config.php;places;media; as mask, but some .svn s/folders leak through. I suspect I need a "*/" in there - but at the front of the line? like */;.svn;CVS etc?

