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Topic review


It is on todo list.
same guest

Can this mentioned function "reconnect seamlessly" be implemented in WinSCP? Maybe just like an option near keepalive options. Because I'm usually work in environments where keepalive function is not working and this reconnect screen every 10min is really disturbing. I believe I'm no the only one who is interested in having option of automatic reconnection.


Re: ftp connection timeout problem with keepalive enabled

WinSCP uses the same keepalive mechanism as Filezilla. Maybe Filezilla disconnects too, as it reconnected seamlessly you do not noticed that?

ftp connection timeout problem with keepalive enabled


thanks realy great tool!

Maybe I don't understand something but this keepalive function doesn't work on ftp connections. No matter what settings I set I always get dropped connection after 10 minutes idle. On the other side on FileZilla keepalive function works perfect, maybe there is some difference in keepalive packets or commands which are sent to server???

P.S. it would be really nice, if there will be automatic reconnect after timeout window with button Reconnect appears.
