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Re: Local Directory Invisible

I'll contact you with a debug version.

Local Directory Invisible

When I start Winscp using the following command line...

"m:\program files\winscp3\winscp3.exe" user@appserver/apps/user/

It starts up okay and displays the correct remote directory. However, the left side of the window that is supposed to show the local directory (Drive C) is empty. If I click the drop-down menu and select Desktop, then click it again and go back to Drive C, then it displays properly.

If I try to copy a file from the remote server to the local directory while the local directory is showing as blank, Winscp barks about an "Illegal access to memory." If I select Desktop, then go back to Drive C again, then I can copy files normally.

This would not be a real hardship if it was just me. However, it is happening to all my users.