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File transfer using command mode from Windows to Unix

Hi, I want to transfer files from my Windows folder to Unix server (using PuTTY). Currently I am using WinSCP GUI but I want to use commands instead of using GUI. Please suggest if any way is there.

Re: Copy a file from a Windows command line

I have problems with root:password@
How can I use special characters like SPACE / ! " – or else?

I mean in Username and/or password.

i.e. if I use a / in my password it cuts it off


Re: Copy a file from a Windows command line

@guest: You have to run the command from folder, where is located. Or ensure that is in search PATH.

Re: Copy a file from a Windows command line

I tried to use in command line, it showed the following error msg:
'' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch

Re: Copy a file from a Windows command line

If you want to automate the transfer, use scripting functionality: /command "open sftp://root:password@" "put d:/esxupdates/updates /home/scripts/updates/" "exit"

(edited to up-to-date syntax in 2022)

My friend Sebastian says that you can't do that on the command line.

Copy a file from a Windows command line

I would like to copy a file from a Windows machine to a Linux machine( I thought maybe this would be a way I could do it... root:password@ /synchronize d:/esxupdates/updates /home/scripts/updates

I also tried this... root:password@ /synchronize d:/esxupdates/updates /home/scripts/updates /defaults

If /upload would work for my purpose, then that would be even better. I can copy the file by opening up a connection with the Linux server and then entering in the commands, but I would like one command-line statement to do this so I can put it into a VB program.