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Re: Maintaining user permissions and ownership on UNIX

garyliffen wrote:

Is there a preference I need to change or is it just that WinSCP cannot do this and I should be using something else for my Unix to Unix needs ;)

WinSCP does not support that. The two instances even does not know about each other.

Maintaining user permissions and ownership on UNIX

Can't find it in the FAQ or answers in the forums so I shall ask here.

I have two sessions open on two UNIX servers. Using drag and drop to transfer works, however the destination server does not retain the perms and ownership of the files. This is frustrating when transferring a large amount of files.


-rwxrwxr-x 1 root bin testfile

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root testfile

Is there a preference I need to change or is it just that WinSCP cannot do this and I should be using something else for my Unix to Unix needs ;)
