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Topic review


Re: UNC paths are not supported **URGENT**

Please see documentation.

Re: UNC paths are not supported **URGENT**

Thanks Prikryl for replying so soon. I appreciate. Unfortunately I didn't understand your suggestion. I do not know where login dialog in so I'm not sure where I can choose "local directory" as opposed to "my documents".

Is this something I have to do through my computer or with WinSCP??

Thanks in advance for your assistance!


Re: UNC paths are not supported **URGENT**

Your "My documents" directory is probably on remote server with no mapping to local drive. WinSCP does not support that. You can workaround it by specifying "local directory" on login dialog.

UNC paths are not supported **URGENT**

I have downloading WinSCP but I'm not able to log in. I enter all of our information (Host name, Username, Password, SFTP) but when tryign to log in it gives me an error saying UNC Paths are not supported. I don't have much tech knowledge so I have no idea what this means, but I need to be able to log in. Can you please help me with this!?

I've searched other topics, but none of them answer my problem.
