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Re: Running console commands

teknogroove wrote:

I would first like to say what a great program you have. I just installed it and am amazed how flexible it is and how much easier it is for me to administer Unix. The question I have is, how do I have our Unix SE's setup SCP or SFTP? Currently I can only connect via FTP. In Putty we connect via SSH on port 22.

SCP/SFTP are usually bundled with SSH server. Which one are you using?

Running console commands

I would first like to say what a great program you have. I just installed it and am amazed how flexible it is and how much easier it is for me to administer Unix. The question I have is, how do I have our Unix SE's setup SCP or SFTP? Currently I can only connect via FTP. In Putty we connect via SSH on port 22.



Re: Terminal / Console does not recognise standard unix commands

Thanks. Now Working.

Re: Terminal / Console does not recognise standard unix commands

With FTP you cannot use "shell" commands, only FTP commands. To use shell commands, you need to switch to SCP (or SFTP).

Terminal / Console does not recognise standard unix commands

I have WinSCP installed on more than one PC. When I open the termianl on one of them it does not recognise some commands e.g. ls or cd fail but pwd is OK. On another machine it is fine.

It looks like it converts it to uppercase (based on the error message) but the terminal appears to pass lower case to the remote machine.

I'm, using v4.0.4 build 346
My WinSCP (FTP) session to the same box is fine.
Putty does not work either, it opens a window but never akss for or passes the login credentials.

This is from the log:

. 2007-12-14 12:36:44.860 Executing user defined command.
. 2007-12-14 12:36:44.860 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1269): FtpCommand(ls) OpMode=0 OpState=-1 caller=0x01dd8248
> 2007-12-14 12:36:44.860 ls
. 2007-12-14 12:36:44.860 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0) OpMode=2 OpState=-1 caller=0x01dd8248
< 2007-12-14 12:36:44.860 500 'LS': command not understood.
. 2007-12-14 12:36:44.860 FtpControlSocket.cpp(4180): ResetOperation(4) OpMode=2 OpState=-1 caller=0x01dd8248
. 2007-12-14 12:36:44.860 Got reply 4 to the command 16
. 2007-12-14 12:36:44.860 Getting current directory name.
* 2007-12-14 12:36:44.860 (ExtException) 'LS': command not understood.

Can you help?