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RE: FTP problem

Ok I changed the proxy to be socks V5 as opposed to V4 and it appears to work. All my other sftp proxy are V4 so a bit strange. I choose V4 usally as there is no username or password on the socks proxy.

FTP problem

Hi All,

Wow was very exicited to see ftp option but ran into trouble.

Setup openssh proxy acting as socks proxy. Using this proxy to ftp to another server. Below is the log I am getting from winscp so I am not sure if the proxy is failing or the ftp at the other end of the proxy? I can see this error appear in openssh "channel 8: open failed: connect failed: Connection timed out". The proxy works fine for telnet, ssh, sftp (in winscp).

. 2008-01-07 16:18:19.870 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2008-01-07 16:18:19.870 WinSCP Version 4.0.6 (Build 358) (OS 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2)
. 2008-01-07 16:18:19.870 Login time: Monday, 7 January 2008 16:18:19
. 2008-01-07 16:18:19.870 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2008-01-07 16:18:19.870 Session name: vfov1mgr@pluto
. 2008-01-07 16:18:19.870 Host name: (Port: 21)
. 2008-01-07 16:18:19.870 User name: vfov1mgrr (Password: Yes, Key file: No)
. 2008-01-07 16:18:19.870 Tunnel: No
. 2008-01-07 16:18:19.870 Transfer Protocol: FTP
. 2008-01-07 16:18:19.870 Ping type: C, Ping interval: 30 sec; Timeout: 15 sec
. 2008-01-07 16:18:19.870 Proxy: SOCKS4
. 2008-01-07 16:18:19.870 HostName: akl-devproxy (Port: 7777); Username: ; Passwd: No
. 2008-01-07 16:18:19.870 FTP: Passive: Yes
. 2008-01-07 16:18:19.870 Local directory: default, Remote directory: home, Update: No, Cache: No
. 2008-01-07 16:18:19.870 Cache directory changes: No, Permanent: Yes
. 2008-01-07 16:18:19.870 DST mode: 1
. 2008-01-07 16:18:19.870 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2008-01-07 16:18:19.902 Connecting to ...
. 2008-01-07 16:18:34.869 Timeout detected.
. 2008-01-07 16:18:34.869 Connection failed.
* 2008-01-07 16:18:34.869 (ESshFatal) Connection failed.
* 2008-01-07 16:18:34.869 Timeout detected.
* 2008-01-07 16:18:34.869 Connection failed.

Any help appreciated
