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Topic review


Re: Maxim

Stephanie Marshall wrote:

Did you ever get the answer you were looking for?

Hello, Stephanie.

I did fix for this functionality and sent it to my customer. Do you have any questions about?
Stephanie Marshall


Did you ever get the answer you were looking for?

I did already, sorry for delay.

Martin, did you send me sources ??

Re: Problem with building WinSCP for Far.

Thx for your advice. You can send it to ivanenok<change_it>
I need rework pices of code related with storing session info in INI file otherwise registry.
We need tool for working from non-home computers without any fears about security.
I should post code with this changes if you need.

WBR, Maxim S. Ivanov

Re: Problem with building WinSCP for Far.

I'm afraid that source code of WinSCP of latest WinSCP is not compatible with code of latest FAR :-( My fault. I can provide you complete code, if you give me you address.
Maxim S. Ivanov

Problem with building WinSCP for Far.

I have strange problem. I have latest published sources from sourceforge.
WinSCP builded without any problem but a have many errors on Far plugin building.
That try access to not exist fileds in GUIConfiguration e.g.

Pls, let me know what can be cause of if.
ICQ: 311754540