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Topic review


IMHO, WinSCP and FileZilla combined can make an ideal FTP/SFTP client. WinSCP supports directory synchronization, but does not support filename charset conversion; while FileZilla supports filename charset conversion, but does not support directory synchronization. If you merge your efforts, you'll make an uncomparable product. At least, you can learn from each other.

I've been using FileZilla for several years. But I found WinSCP only two days ago, when searching for an FTP client for Windows that supports directory synchronization. So my opinion might be wrong.

Re: WinSCP does not support filename charset conversion yet

Please read (expanded) FAQ.

WinSCP does not support filename charset conversion yet

I just searched the forum. It turns out that the author's standard answer to such questions was that WinSCP does not support charset conversion yet.

Adding my feature request here to implement charset conversion. It is a very important feature for international users. FileZilla has this feature and does it well.

UTF-8 encoded Chinese filenames not shown properly in remote

I just noticed that WinSCP 4.0.6 running on XP Home (Simplified Chinese Edition) cannot properly display Chinese filenames encoded in UTF-8 charset. Apparently, Chinese characters encoded in UTF-8 are mistakenly assumed to be in local codepage, which is CP936 in my case. Is there any setting in WinSCP to adapt to the filename charset encoding of the remote directory?

I am using SFTP to connect to a Linux openssh server with en_US.UTF-8 locale.