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Topic review


ssstonebraker wrote:

I'm saying i can't find anything that covers how to deal with a directory w/spaces when using the cmd.exe and in a single command

OK, the FAQ deals with uploading files with spaces. Just replace the "put" command with "cd" and file name with directory name...

martin wrote:

Do you mean that you have tried all the hints, but none of them works?

I'm saying i can't find anything that covers how to deal with a directory w/spaces when using the cmd.exe and in a single command

Do you mean that you have tried all the hints, but none of them works?

I've read through the entire FAQ, nothing seems to cover this... i wish the people that set up this FTP didn't uses spaces in the directory name =(.

Re: -> 'cd' option, dir's w/spaces prompts error msg

Please read documentation. If that does not help, come back.
ssstonebraker -> 'cd' option, dir's w/spaces prompts error msg

Here is the command i'm using (when at command prompt)
cmd.exe /c echo put "file.xml" | /command "open xxx@yyyy" "option transfer binary" "cd /Dir1 wSpace/SubDir"

"cd /Dir1 wSpace/SubDir" is the problem...When i use that at the command prompt i get the message: "too many parameters for cd"

I'm not sure how to modify the cd option to use a directory w/spaces.

...Any ideas? Thank you!

(Version 4.0.4 Build 346)