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Re: network error cannot assign requested address

martin wrote:

MikeWalter wrote:

I am getting the same error:
I have 3 identical Windows 10 PC's and 2 identical Linux Servers all on the same network.

- PC 1 I can only connect to Linux Server 2, Server 1 gives me an error "network error cannot assign requested address"

- PC 2 I can only connect to Linux Server 1, Server 2 gives me an error "network error cannot assign requested address"

- PC 3 I can connect to both Linux Server's no problem.

Any assistance with this will be appreciated

Can you even ping that those servers?

Tried and could not ping it from the PC in question
I found that IP address blocked on the Server in question

Re: network error cannot assign requested address

MikeWalter wrote:

I am getting the same error:
I have 3 identical Windows 10 PC's and 2 identical Linux Servers all on the same network.

- PC 1 I can only connect to Linux Server 2, Server 1 gives me an error "network error cannot assign requested address"

- PC 2 I can only connect to Linux Server 1, Server 2 gives me an error "network error cannot assign requested address"

- PC 3 I can connect to both Linux Server's no problem.

Any assistance with this will be appreciated

Can you even ping that those servers?

network error cannot assign requested address

I am getting the same error:
I have 3 identical Windows 10 PC's and 2 identical Linux Servers all on the same network.

- PC 1 I can only connect to Linux Server 2, Server 1 gives me an error "network error cannot assign requested address"

- PC 2 I can only connect to Linux Server 1, Server 2 gives me an error "network error cannot assign requested address"

- PC 3 I can connect to both Linux Server's no problem.

Any assistance with this will be appreciated

anyone figure this out yet?

Network error: Cannot assign requested address

When i log in my iphone i get everytime this error "Network error: Cannot assign requested address".
My iphone ip is
but i use my friends' iphone can connect, her ip is
i don't know why.
How can i do?
thanks :D