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Re: How to stop keepuptodate?

There is no way to stop "keep up to date" extenally. But maybe svcany is able to terminate the process (with brute force).

Re: How to stop keepuptodate?

martin wrote:

mbox wrote:

Is it possible to stop it in a noninteractive way?. I mean without doing ctrl-c

What way? Like from another process?

Sorry, i was not precise enough.
I launch keepuptodate on a server and when i close the session all the process attached to that session are closed and keepuptodate too...:(
So, i need to run keepuptodate as a background task or service and start or stop it like a windows service (i think this way is a better use of keepuptodate, maybe you could implement it to WinSCP).
Something like that: /command "keepuptodate source_dir traget_dir [srv_start|srv_stop]"

i will try if WinSCP works with svcany.exe


Re: How to stop keepuptodate?

mbox wrote:

Is it possible to stop it in a noninteractive way?. I mean without doing ctrl-c

What way? Like from another process?

If i well understand your doc. the only way to use keepuptodate with the synchronize "Adjust remote timestamp with DST(Windows)" option is to create a session, configure it and use it in a script such as:
open mysession
keepuptodate source_dir taget_dir


How to stop keepuptodate?


During a blackout period i need to stop keepuptodate.
Is it possible to stop it in a noninteractive way?. I mean without doing ctrl-c

Another question:

If i well understand your doc. the only way to use keepuptodate with the synchronize "Adjust remote timestamp with DST(Windows)" option is to create a session, configure it and use it in a script such as:
open mysession
keepuptodate source_dir taget_dir

The "open [ sftp|ftp|scp:// ][ <user> [ :password ] @ ] <host> [ :<port> ]" command seems not to use it, am i right?