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Re: script using hostkey to transfer file

bertv wrote:

I used this to transfer files
option batch on
option confirm off
open sftp://username:password@ -hostkey="ssh-rsa 1024 e9:8d:64:40:1e:5f:cee9:8d:64:40:1e:5f:ce"
option transfer binary
put -delete C:\temp\* ./outgoing/

Thanks, It works now.

I was putting the hostkey switch on the command line like /console etc.

Re: script using hostkey to transfer file

Hostkey option is supported since 4.1.x only.

script using hostkey to transfer file

I used this to transfer files
option batch on
option confirm off
open sftp://username:password@ -hostkey="ssh-rsa 1024 e9:8d:64:40:1e:5f:cee9:8d:64:40:1e:5f:ce"
option transfer binary
put -delete C:\temp\* ./outgoing/

Hostkey command

Can someone provide an example of using the hostkey command line option within a script.

I've been working with this for 2 days and am not getting anywhere.

I'm using version 4.0.7

I have tried the SshHostKeys and Configuration\CDCache values from the ini file with no luck.

I have also tried the value found under Server host key Fingerprint on the Server and Protocol information screen,