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Re: Windows WinSCP 4.1.6 freezes

That's strange. WinSCP should ignore such files.

Can you provide me your email address, so I can send you a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? If you do not want to post the address here, you can send me an email. You will find it (if you log in) in my forum profile. Thanks.

Windows WinSCP 4.1.6 freezes

Using Windows version of WinSCP 4.1.6 to access a RedHat Enterprise AS 4 system, using SFTP.

When navigating to a certain directory on the linux side, WinSCP 4.1.5 froze completely, no mouse input accepted. Had to kill it using Windows Task Manager. Upgraded to WinSCP 4.1.6, same problem.

I ssh'd into the linux box, went to that dir, and did a ls -l, didn't see anything strange. Then did a ls -rtlFa (some of those switches not needed I'm sure, just a habit), and then saw a file named '\' (single back-slash) in the directory. After I deleted that file on the linux side, WinSCP now works just fine when it gets to that directory.

Just wanted to let you know. I appreciate this product and the time the developers have put into it.