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johnnyboyc wrote:

Actually, I'm sorry, I cannot see the individual file names in there, just the F* files. They are all empty however.
Is my music gone forever? I don't understand where my music could have gone...

They may still be in temporary directory on your computer. Try searching....

Actually, I'm sorry, I cannot see the individual file names in there, just the F* files. They are all empty however.
Is my music gone forever? I don't understand where my music could have gone...

Yes I can but tghey are all 0Mb and the album artwork and the tags are all still there, but no music,.

Re: I dragged my music off my iphone and now it's gone! Help!

Can you still see the files you have dragged on your iPhone?

I dragged my music off my iphone and now it's gone! Help!

After a system reformat, I dragged the directory /var/mobile/Media/iTunes_Control/Music into my "My Music" folder on the computer.
WinSCP warned me that it uses a temporary directory, and I wasn't entirely sure what that meant, and it really was a bad idea, but now my music is nowhere to be found!! All the song names are on my iphone, but none will play! I can't find where my music went!
Please help!!!