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Re: Passphrase questioning when using internal editor

derDepp wrote:

OK thanks so far. Wouldn't it be possible to directly open the background session on start of the normal session with the entered passphrase?

First you wanted to ask for passphrase every time. Now you want to avoid asking. So what your purpose?

Re: Passphrase questioning when using internal editor

martin wrote:

derDepp wrote:

When I open a file (e.g. bla.php) on my server (I'm using public key authentication with a passphrase) and I save the file, I'm being prompted for the passphrase, but only when saving for the first time. Is it possible to now ask for the passphrase again?

WinSCP uses background transfer for uploads from editor. Once it opens the background session for the first upload, it keeps it open for future uploads. So no it is not possible.
OK thanks so far. Wouldn't it be possible to directly open the background session on start of the normal session with the entered passphrase?

Re: Passphrase questioning when using internal editor

derDepp wrote:

When I open a file (e.g. bla.php) on my server (I'm using public key authentication with a passphrase) and I save the file, I'm being prompted for the passphrase, but only when saving for the first time. Is it possible to now ask for the passphrase again?

WinSCP uses background transfer for uploads from editor. Once it opens the background session for the first upload, it keeps it open for future uploads. So no it is not possible.

Passphrase questioning when using internal editor


I have the following problem:

When I open a file (e.g. bla.php) on my server (I'm using public key authentication with a passphrase) and I save the file, I'm being prompted for the passphrase, but only when saving for the first time. Is it possible to now ask for the passphrase again?
